Friday, June 19, 2009

What $2,444.32 of drugs looks like

Despite my previous thoughts, I did end up with a photo of all my drugs stacked neatly in a pile.

Boo hiss hiss to Village Pharmacy who sent me the Lupron, not as promised but they finally got it here. They continue to be a screwy pharmacy in my opinion, I have received other people's shipping and delivery confirmations in my email. So if you have the same name as mine and live on Bear Hill Rd in Waltham, MA, good luck on your fertility treatment, too. Just a heads up though, if your meds are billed to my credit card, I will not be paying for them.

I ordered all the other meds from The Apothecary Shops. Very pleased with their services. The phone call was painless. They promised to delivery between noon and 5:00 pm the next day. My box arrived around 2:15 pm. I recommend them. I might have paid $100 or so more, but at least I am not worried about someone else having my medical information along with my real name and address.

All together, here is what I got. . .

Lupron 2 week kit $125.00
Bravelle 44 vials 2,011.56
Ovidrell 2 prefilled syringes 157.76
Medrol 4 tablets 18.00
Tetracycline 16 pills 12.00
Progesterone in oil 120.00
2 sharps containers, 93 needles, 30 Q-caps, and a mountain of alcohol prep pads Free.


Courtney said...

That's so exciting you finally have your meds! I am sooo ready to finally order mine. I hate this waiting game!

Once Upon A Time said...

I wouldn't worry about not "feeling" s/e from the Lupron yet. I was taking Norethrindrone at the time and I was pretty nauseous from that- so I don't really know when the s/e from the Lurpon kicked in. Everybody's different. My friend got crazy headaches... after 5 days of Lupron, but nothing before. Give it time... and it you don't get any s/e, from it, count it as a blessing!

Once Upon A Time said...

Hey there, I'm taggin' you with the Honest Scrap Award for your honest and heartfelt posts!
