Friday, July 24, 2009

Son of a buck

IVF Nurse 3 called again with second beta results. The number rose, but didn't double. Today, 11dp5dt, my beta is only 48.


Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Sorry to hear that it didn't increase more. How is the doc interpreting the rise?

Take care.

just me, dawn said...

Ugh, so sorry that the number wasn't doubled....what did the nurse say? I am assuming that they are doing another beta?

Once Upon A Time said...

I am so sorry. I know that was not what you wanted to hear. Have you bled anymore? When are you going back for another beta? What did the nurse say about the rise? I'll be thinking about you a lot. Try to get through the weekend and hang in there.

Chickenpig said...

The slow beta rise roller coaster is awful! With my baby girl my initial beta was only 40 11dp3dt. Two days later it had only increased to 65. The third beta still was limping along. I must have done 5 tests in all, none of them good. The nurses weren't at all optimistic of my chances. However, I did some research online and found that beta tests, especially as early on as yours, have a margin of error of up to 5 points. If I took away 5 points from my first test and added 5 to the second, I got a decent doubling number. Also, I was told by my RE that anything above a 65% increase is acceptable. I've had 4 pregnancies (1 of them chemical) and the only one that had good numbers was the one that ended in a miscarriage. The only thing that will tell you for certain is an ultrasound. Don't give up all hope yet, and hang in there.

ps. my twin pregnancy had an initial beta of 101 and it only went up to 170. I had bleeding also, quite a lot, actually. I was told not to bother to come in for my initial ob visit because it was doubtful they were still alive. My boys will be 4 in November.

Courtney said...

I'll be thinking about you and praying for you. Hang in there.